Regarding data center technology, the tech world’s giants are often on top. And when they aren’t, they’re usually quick to pick up on new trends and implement them before the competition.

Google, Apple, and Microsoft are just a few big names that have brought the world into a new era and forever changed how we live. But technology has evolved much faster than humans have. This is why giant tech biz is always striving to incorporate new data center technology into their work.

Here are the top data center technologies used by tech giants

Companies of all sizes use data centers for various purposes, such as storing data, handling transactions, and running applications. Giant Tech Biz has been using the same data center technology for years. However, new technologies on the market could help it streamline processes, improve efficiency, and reduce costs.


Virtualization is the most advanced technology used to build a modern data center. It’s considered an essential element of every one of the world’s best infrastructure designs, and it’s been relied on by giant tech companies like Google, Amazon, and Facebook.

In data centers that use virtualization, all or most of the hardware resources are virtualized (i.e., virtual machines). Instead of the hardware being dedicated to a single purpose, like one server with one hard drive and one processor, the hardware in a virtualized environment can be divided into parts referred to as partitions.

Virtualization is nothing new—so-called “mainframe virtualization” was first developed in the 1960s—but the modern version uses commodity server hardware instead of the expensive mainframes of earlier decades.

It was first widely released in the early 2000s by VMware and others. It has emerged as an essential piece of modern data center design because it allows for rapid provisioning (creating new partitions), high levels of efficiency (partitions only use what they need), and greater flexibility (partitions can be easily moved from one location to another).

Cooling System

The most popular new mechanism for cooling servers is a closed-loop system that uses thousands of gallons of water in a single tank to keep temperatures down. The water is kept close to its freezing temperature, and then when it comes time to cool the servers, it’s moved from the tank into an evaporative cooling tower.

The server gets cooled by cold air (also called “free air”) from outside the building. This works because the server has been covered with a layer of water, just like the pipes inside a dishwasher or fridge. The cold air passes over this surface and cools it before being moved out of the way by fans.

Edge Computing

Edge computing is a term that’s become popular in the tech industry, and for a good reason. The concept is relatively simple: processing data near its users and source (on the edge of a network) rather than in centralized data centers requires less energy to send it back to its final destination. It also means that if something happens to the centralized computer systems, it will have little-to-no effect on service to the user.

Edge computing can be applied to many different situations, but one of its most promising applications is with the Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It’s estimated that by 2020, there will be 50 billion IoT devices worldwide. That many devices in regular use would put a heavy strain on any centralized computer system—but it turns out that most of these devices are only used infrequently. The vast majority of IoT devices are used only sporadically if at all, making them prime candidates for edge computing.

This concept is already being utilized by giants like Amazon Web Services (AWS), who are currently testing out their edge services—and they’re finding that they can save money and make their networks more efficient with it.

Vertical Wind Turbines

Vertical wind turbines are a revolutionary new data-center technology poised to reduce these massive facilities’ energy consumption dramatically. The vertical wind turbine is innovative, using a large rotor on top of a tall tower to capture more wind. The kinetic energy generated by this turbine is then converted into electrical power. This type of turbine has been proven even more efficient than traditional horizontal wind turbines, partly because the tower’s structure helps create a low-pressure area around it, which permits air to flow smoothly and consistently through the blades at all times.

Energy and Environment Monitoring

Faced with the challenge of managing energy costs and environmental impact, many tech companies are turning to energy and environment monitoring tools that allow them to monitor their data centers in real time, enabling them to detect problems and make changes as early as possible.

Energy and environment monitoring is a critical capability for data center operation. A data center’s environmental equipment can include temperature control systems, humidity control systems, and air handling units, to name a few. Many of these systems are managed by software that records the values of specific key parameters and stores the information for later analysis and reporting.

Data Center technology is changing into a green environment.

Data center technology is changing into a green environment. Integrating new technologies, like virtualization, big data, and cloud computing, makes data centers more energy efficient.

Using green energy has helped data centers save energy and money. The data centers can generate their electricity using solar panels or wind turbines. This will reduce the power bill cost for running the facility, and at the same time, it will reduce the carbon footprint of the whole operation.

The typical Data Center consumes 70% of its power on cooling systems. Cooling systems used to maintain servers include air-conditioners, fans, and chillers. With this high-efficiency cooling system, the waste heat is extracted. The heat is getting redirected to colder areas like air-conditioners or outside the data center building. This helps reduce the overall temperature in the facility and lower energy costs by 40%.

With these efficient cooling systems, more money is being spent on power generation. With a large amount of consumed electricity, achieving economic benefits from green energy sources becomes challenging. To overcome this challenge, Data Center operators look for alternatives like using renewable energy sources such as solar panels or wind turbines.

Read more: Design, Built, and Operate Greener Data Center in Jakarta


Data centers carry out critical missions non-stop, where downtime will cause losses for providers and tenants. Therefore, the tech giants adopt several technologies resulting from continuous innovation.

The latest data center trend is predictive analytics software. If you work in a data center or are responsible for any utility network management, this may be your chance to get in on an innovative trend at a time when your competitors are still playing catch-up.

In addition to strengthening their reliability, data center providers continue to strive to increase efficiency while reducing carbon emissions. In the future, many data centers will adopt green data center technology related to renewable electricity sources and distribution and automation.

Read also: Developing Proper Data Center Infrastructure Management

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